Serving the small business community    

Grand Rapids Directory Services

GRyellowpages Listing
A listing that includes company name, hours of operation, and a link to your company website (optional) is FREE to companies operating in the Greater Grand Rapids area. The company address and a map to the business is only a click away. You can be listed in three categories of your choice FREE of charge. You can list your company in more than 3 categories for just $5/month each additional category. To get your company listed for FREE, just fill out our easy online form.

Example of GRyellowpages Listing:

       Greater Online Marketing, LLC                           

Special Promotion through May 2001 - List your company in any and all categories of your choice FREE for a 1-year trial period. Decide in 2002 which categories have worked best for your company.

GRyellowpages Logo Listing
Let your company stand out in the GRyellowpages by adding your company logo to your listing. The online shopper doesn’t need to click to get your company info because your company name, address, and map link are printed right on the category page! A FREE link to your company website is included in this package. Your link is more prominent than the standard listings because both the logo, as well as the company name lead to your company website. Logo Listings in up to 3 categories is only $14.95/month. Logo listings after 3 categories are only $3/month each additional category. Contact customer relations at Greater Online Marketing to differentiate your listing today! Note: Logo Listings in up to 3 categories of your choice are included in the Company Brochure Website package.

Example of GRyellowpages Logo Listing:

Greater Online Marketing

Greater Online Marketing
123 Main St.
Greater Grand Rapids, MI 49999
Map It!

Special Promotion - Click Here to find out how your company can receive one FREE logo listing in any category at GRyellowpages while, at the same time, adding utility to your own company website!

Banner Ads
Strategically located at the top of each category page, banner ads are the first company advertising that customers will see. A customer searching for widgets, for example, would see your company banner at the very top of the widget category page. Our computer and graphic staff designs and creates both static banners ($40) and animated banners ($60). Banner placement at the top of each category in the GRyellowpages is only $19.95/month. Space is limited and is, therefore, allocated on a first come, first serve basis. To find out how you can affordably promote your company at, contact Greater Online Marketing’s customer relations department.

Example of Banner Ad:

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